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How to Optimize Your Website for Google’s Core Web Vitals

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Every business owner wants their website to rank in the organic search results because a strong SEO presence brings in more customers who are interested in what you have to offer. However, the reality is that specific strategies are necessary to ensure that your website gains traction in the search results. Whether you are developing a new website or you want to improve your current site, it’s critical that you optimize using core web vitals.

Core Web Vitals: What are They?

Google’s phrase “core web values” refers to specific website metrics that influence user experience. There are three pillars that need to be addressed to boost website rankings and also improve user experience at the same time:

  • Page Speed – Largest Contentful Paint (LCP): This measurement considers how fast your website visitors see your main content. Certain large media and content elements can slow down the page load time, including videos and images.
  • Responsiveness – First Input Delay (FID): Next, it’s important to understand the amount of time it takes for the browser to start processing your website. This measurement indicates how quickly people can interact with your website when they visit.
  • Visual Stability – Cumulative Layout Shift (CLS): Finally, it’s important to evaluate the length of time before all of the elements on your website are loaded. Visual stability occurs when website visitors can consume all of the available content because everything is loaded.

The intention of these site measurements is to ensure that people who are using the search engines have a positive experience. As user experience increases, it also increases the likelihood that people will spend more time on Google.

A website can have quality text, and still struggle in the search results because of these three factors. If Google is comparing two sites with similar text, then the site with the best user experience will receive higher prioirity.

Site Factors to Address Before Core Web Vitals

While these core web vitals are important, you need to be sure that you have a strong foundation to begin with. Start by addressing these topics:

  • Keyword Optimization: Keep in mind that these core web vitals are in addition to the keyword optimization and content creation strategies. Keywords on your website help Google identify the relevancy of your site to what people are searching for.
  • Secure Connection: When someone visits your website, are you offering a secure connection? Make sure you are using HTTPS so there is security between the web server and the browser the person is using.
  • Clean Site: Another way to ensure the safety of website visitors is to ensure that your site is free of potential threats such as phishing, viruses, malware, and more. Your site will be penalized if there is any indication of fraud or scams.
  • Mobile Friendly: Mobile optimization is more important than ever, especially because a high percentage of website visitors are using handheld devices. Is your website easy to navigate when viewed on a small screen? Do the images and text align properly from one device to the next?
  • Advertising: Intrusive advertising that fills your website pages could negatively impact your ability to rank. Make sure your website content is always readable and get rid of any pop-ups or advertising banners that block the core content.

Proven Tips to Improve Core Web Vitals

Google uses core web vitals as a way to understand the quality and performance of a website. These measurements give you feedback about ways that you can improve to optimize your overall results in the search engines.

Now that you understand the importance of core web vitals, you are likely wondering what you need to do to improve these factors on your website. Here are a few effective tips that can make a big difference:

  • Google Search Console to see where your website might be coming up short. These testing and insight tools can provide personalized recommendations based on the performance of your website.
  • Integrate Website Caching: One way to reduce the server load is by using a caching tool. This strategy keeps static versions of your pages, which means that the pages don’t need to reload every time someone visits your website. Caching can sometimes be done through a website server. Or, you might be able to use a caching plugin if you have a WordPress site.
  • Defer JavaScript Loading: Website pages can load faster when you delay Javascript loading. With this strategy, the rest of the page content loads first, forcing the JavaScript files to wait until everything else is ready.
  • Integrate a Content Delivery Network (CDN): This tool uses a network of servers for your content storage. When someone visits your website, then the nearest server on the network will deliver your website content. Closer proximity helps speed up page load times.
  • Image Optimization and Sizing: If your images are too big, then they will slow down the time it takes for pages to load. Make sure all images are compressed and the file size is reduced. Additionally, you can optimize the image with your target keywords in the file name and alt-tag.
  • Optimize Website Fonts: Font delivery is faster when you choose the right design. If you are using an uncommon font family, then it takes time for the browser to download and load the font information. Be selective when choosing the fonts that you are using – global fonts are best.


1. What are the three pillars of core web vitals?

The three pillars are Largest Contentful Paint, First Input Delay, and Cumulative Layout Shift. These metrics are based on user experience and influence your search engine rankings.

2. Why do core web vitals matter?

Ensuring that your website offers users a stable and fast experience can increase your positioning in search results. The higher your SEO rankings, the more organic traffic your website will receive.

Call the Experts for Help with Your Website

If you are looking for help with Core Web Vitals and other aspects of your online marketing strategies, then it’s time to reach out to learn more about our Dallas SEO services. At ARYU Advertising, we are based in Texas and offer full-service solutions for clients all over the United States. Contact us to schedule a free consultation.