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Paid Advertising: 7 Tips for A Successful Campaign

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You know the importance of investing in online marketing, but what is the right way to maximize ROI for your paid advertising budget? Too often, business owners are disappointed by their results, feeling like they are spending money on Pay Per Click without seeing new business come in.

The truth is that paid advertising is a great way to connect with your target demographic online. But you need to be using proven techniques to ensure your marketing budget is turning into paying customers. Paid advertising can be tricky, but there are countless opportunities when you tap into a proven strategy.

Talk to an online marketing expert for personalized recommendations before you blow through your budget without landing a single new customer. Here are a few of the best practices you can use to optimize your paid advertising strategy, ensuring that you are reaching customers and boosting conversions.

Tip #1: Don’t Put All of Your Eggs in 1 Basket

Focusing all of your advertising on one platform means that you are missing out on the opportunity to connect with customers through multiple platforms. Most of the time, potential leads need numerous points of contact before they decide to learn more about your company. When you are using paid advertising on multiple platforms, it increases the likelihood of a website visitor turning into a lifelong customer.

The goal of paid advertising is to keep your business at the top of mind. First, get into the psychology of online marketing to identify where your ideal customers are spending their time online. Then, invest in advertisements on those platforms. Options include Google search, LinkedIn, Instagram, YouTube, Facebook, and more.

Your advertising spending increases the likelihood that consumers will see your brand when searching for things related to your product or service.

Tip #2: Learn About the Power of Retargeting

Additionally, you can leverage retargeting to stay connected with people who have already interacted with your brand. This strategy shows ads to potential customers who have recently visited your website. Retargeting gives you the opportunity to show your ads on different platforms, helping to strengthen brand awareness and increase the likelihood of people coming back to your website again.

In fact, an excellent retargeting strategy can increase your conversion rates by as much as 147%! The ads bring website visitors back again, helping people move closer to the point of sale.

Tip #3: Test Engaging Copy and Images

Not only do you need to dial in the perfect language in the ads, but images can also be a powerful way to capture someone’s attention. So if you want people to engage with your ad, you need to make the pictures and words visually appealing and exciting.

You only have a few seconds to communicate the message you want to share. Most people won’t spend time reading through the long-form text, which is where an image can be a valuable resource. Instead, people are looking at the pictures when they are scrolling through Instagram or Facebook, which means that your ads will be overlooked if you don’t have good images to capture someone’s attention.

Not only do images add interest to your ads, but they also help by strengthening your brand and making your company stand out from the competition. In addition, the right photo sparks emotions while also showcasing your offer or product at the same time.

Tip #4: Create an Interactive Experience

Another good strategy to boost the results of your paid advertising is by using interactive content. You can quickly capture a person’s attention by offering an opportunity to engage through polls, quizzes, and other quick interactive elements.

Interactivity adds personalization to the ad, making it easier to keep someone engaged for an extended period of time. On the other hand, static content, such as an infographic or blog post, is quickly forgotten if someone scrolls by without engaging.

It doesn’t make sense to implement interactive content with every paid ad. But this method can be one of many things you are using to increase engagement when investing in paid advertising.

Tip #5: Split-Test Ad Copy

Sometimes, a few minor adjustments in the wording can significantly impact your click-through and conversion rates. Just because you are getting leads from an ad doesn’t mean that you are maximizing your results.

Take time to create ad groups so you can test different calls to action. Also, segment your strategy to ensure that customers visit the optimal website page to match each ad. If you are paying for an ad about a specific product or service, you need to be sure that the person clicks through to a corresponding landing page.

Try switching out different words, colors, font sizes, and images. First, pay attention to how the other variations are performing. Then, you can optimize your spending by focusing on the types of ads that are bringing in the most customers.

Tip #6: Monitor the Data

You can learn more about your audience by looking at paid advertising data. When you are investing in ads, you are getting more than a few leads – this data gives you insights into the things your audience wants to see.

Collect the data and learn what it means so you can find information about your customer’s preferences. For example, you might notice that people interact more with ads about a specific product. Then, adjust your marketing campaign from now on to invest more in the strategies that are working.

Tip #7: Work with the Pros

As a business owner, you are always looking for ways to save money. While there are a few instances where DIY makes sense, there is a high risk of wasting your budget if you aren’t working with a professional team.

Paid advertising services help you dial in the most effective strategies to get the best results from the money you are spending. There is no reason to re-invent the process when you can work with a team that already understands the strategies that are working in today’s market.

For more information about effective paid marketing strategies, ARYU Advertising is here to help. Contact us for a consultation about the online marketing services that can help your business grow.