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7 Key Components to Increase Search Engine Optimization

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If you own a business or run the marketing for a company, you’ve probably heard of search engine optimization (SEO). When many business owners hear “SEO,” they automatically tune out and go to their “happy place.” It’s not as complicated as it might seem.

SEO is the way you increase the chances of someone being able to see your website when they search certain words online. Increasing the visibility of your website will ideally bring more people to your website and allow them to know what you have to offer. Hopefully, an uptick in sales will be the result.

If your company is not utilizing SEO, but your competitors are, you will be left behind as far as online searches, visibility, and sales go. You simply can’t afford to lose the online traffic that could be directed to your website through SEO. Your potential customers need to be made aware of your amazing brand!

Look to these tips for implementing SEO strategies:

  1. Know your audience but also your competitors. It’s vital to know your audience and what makes them tick. This information will help you strategize the best way to go about your SEO plan from the start.

Knowing your competitors and their SEO strategy can also be important as you make your own plan. For example, how are they directing traffic to their website? What other kinds of marketing strategies are they employing?

  1. Make sure you have accurate reporting on your SEO campaign. Whether you hire a company to set up your entire search engine optimization campaign for you or do it on your own, make sure you have accurate analytics reporting. If you don’t have good, precise feedback that lets you know exactly what is and what isn’t working, you will never know if your SEO plan is effective.

Without accurate analytics, you’ll also never be able to know where to adjust to gain higher levels of quality traffic to your site.

  1. Create new, relatable content. As you probably know, content is not necessarily all good content. Creating your own content that includes keywords that are easily linked to external websites is one of the most significant ways you can connect your website with SEO.

Even if you do everything right, link all your keywords and more, if your content is not enjoyed or relatable to those reading it, it will all be for naught. No matter what, don’t give up. Keep adding great content to your site in the way of landing pages, blog posts, and more. It will soon come together and be an essential part of your SEO plan.

  1. Investigate what the best keywords are for your SEO plan. It’s a good idea to pinpoint some of the keywords that will most often be used to search for your product. Also, think about words that will possibly be used to search in place of the common terms in your industry. Considering the intent of your potential customers will ensure that you can still direct their search your way.

Be sure to think of those keywords but then remember the words that could mean something similar. You never know exactly how your product or service will be searched out. Do your best to gather keywords that will most likely be entered in that search bar. It can make or break your entire SEO strategy and outcome.

  1. Include technical SEO efforts. Setting up your website’s build so that it can be accessed, recognized, and indexed by search engine spiders crawling your site is a must. The technical SEO aspect deals with exactly what it says – the very technical side of SEO. This can include:
  • Site structure
  • Mobile-friendliness
  • URL setup and structure
  • Website security
  • Schema markup (to enhance search engine and customer understanding of your website)
  1. On and Off-page SEO consideration. These involve creating content people and search engines are looking for on your website as well as improving the overall presence your company has online outside of your website.

On-page SEO includes enhancing things like URLs, links, content, and title tags.

Off-page SEO considers the kinds of websites that link your content and what others say about you. Social media, posting on guest websites, and link building are all important off-page SEO fundamentals.

  1. Don’t forget Mobile SEO! While mobile SEO is important, let’s talk about making sure your beautifully created website can work on mobile devices as well. If your website is unable to be viewed properly on an iPhone or Android device, you’re in big trouble! Mobile searches and mobile website viewing are now more popular than ever before. People are on the go and need their information quickly and efficiently.

Mobile SEO is extremely necessary as well. In fact, Google searches now have their focus on mobile websites first (unless a regular desktop site is still the best search result for the inquiry). You must get mobile SEO down along with a mobile-friendly website.

The #1 Way to Increase Your Search Engine Optimization

You can do one thing that is more important than all the other ways we’ve discussed to increase your SEO. The essential component of it all is to simply begin. It can be overwhelming to learn all the ins and outs of SEO strategies. But taking the leap and trying one aspect at a time to increase traffic to your website will make much more of a difference than doing nothing at all.

ARYU Advertising is the knowledgeable team that is ready to educate, simplify, strategize, and implement all your SEO needs. Our SEO pros know what it takes to get real results and won’t waste your money exploring things that we know from experience don’t give the best return.

Let our team help build your business. We are ready and waiting for you! Contact us for more information on how we can help your company thrive with a great search engine optimization plan.